It’s the question everybody is asking: How do i flesh out an SEO strategy that effectively raises my PageRank and my performance on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)? While there is no silver bullet or black hat marketing shortcuts, these six tips will help you rank higher in search results and boost your organic search performance.

Content is King: There is no successful SEO without it
1. Content, Content, Content: Yes, it’s a topic we keep returning to and for good reason. Creating content is the single most important way of building a successful SEO strategy. Search engines like Google reward engaging, original and authoritative content and regular updates, with seasonal and content relevant to current events serves as an additional boost.
2. Keyword Optimization: Just because your pages are indexed, doesn’t mean they’ll be showing up on the SERP. Researching which keywords are trending and which are not will help you identify terms and phrases that you need to focus on. Identifying where your competition is investing can provide added insight. Keyword trends change all the time, and it’s important to actively stay on top of them to keep your site ranking on the SERP and ahead of the competition.

Creating Video Content for YouTube and Other Sites boosts your SEO
3. Video Marketing: YouTube is the second largest search engine out there after Google, so it must be part of your SEO strategy. Simple template or short explainer videos are a great way to get started creating content, and as your business grows so can your presence on video sharing sites.
4. SEO Auditing: Now that your site is up and running, how can you check if everything is optimized? You can of course use an agency like Husaria Marketing to consult with and help you identify problem areas, or you can do it yourself! There are countless free tools with varying effectiveness out there to help analyze your page. A great tool to start with is Sinium, which is also available as a mobile app. You’ll be able to see whether your meta tags are being properly used, keyword counts, and more.
5. Use Human Legible Permalinks: If you take a look at the URL of this or any other page on our site, you’ll see a fairly long URL with words and dashes, and it’s no mistake. Using a URL structure that includes text, especially the keywords you are targeting, can be a strong help with your SEO strategy. Instead of, use
6. Relevant Internal and External Links: As you generate content, be sure to add relevant links as you write. You’ll want to cross-link important pages with each other, and link to relevant pages in your content. This also applies to external content, and you should link to other sites that provide more information on a subject or a reader may otherwise find useful.